1048 Irvine Avenue
Suite 621
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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Our Pricing

What Does It Cost?

BizplanSource offers Basic, Advanced, and Premier business

The Basic Business Plan – $10,000
(more info) (pay online)
Customers who need a business plan for debt financing or for
reasons other than investment funding would utilize this business
plan. Sometimes referred to as a Mini-Plan, this business plan
includes an executive summary and financials and is typically
6 to 10 pages in length.

The Advanced Business Plan – $20,000
(more info) (pay online)
This business plan is for customers who need a comprehensive
plan without other services beyond its delivery. Typically this
business plan includes an executive summary, marketing, sales,
organization and operations, and financials sections, and appendices.

The Premier Business Plan – $30,000
(more info) (pay online)
This business plan presents our customers with maximum value by not only providing the fully-custom business plan document, but also many of our additional services to assist your company in reaching its short term goals including the achievement of funding.

We Offer Discounts for Equity!
BizplanSource is very interested in the success of your company. To that
end, we offer a discount in exchange for warrants in your company, equal to
an amount of equity that we’ll negotiate with you. We don’t accept warrants
as the only form of payment, however we are open to deeply discounting our

Please contact
us to discuss your specific needs, or to obtain a customized
price quote.